
Thursday 25 July 2013

Fried Hokkien Mee, KL Style

I cook noodles more often during the month of Ramadhan. This is on top rice & the accompanying dishes, normally two types. My husband has to have rice everyday. But my kids get quite sick of rice all the time. And since my whole family eats at home for iftar (breaking of fast) almost everyday, the spread on the dining table tend to be wider during the fasting month. There are also the drinks (hot & cold) & at least one type of Malay kuih. 
I suspect this is a typical dining setting for many Muslim homes, judging from conversations I had with family & friends. Also, if you are in Singapore & Malaysia, you will notice the hives of activity at the food bazaars in the void decks or along the road.  Well, since we can't eat or drink for more than 13 hours in this hot & humid whether, food & drink are always on our mind. 

I fried Hokkien mee a few days ago. It's quite a simple dish to prepare but very delicious. My noodle turned out quite dry & hard... I think I did not add enough water..

Fried Hokkien Mee, KL Style
Recipe by Betty Yew from Rasa Malaysia, the complete Malaysian cookbook.

150g small prawns
5 small cuttlefish, cut into rigns
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp oil
3 shallots, sliced
120g chicken fat, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
6 slices fish cake
3-4 stalks mustard green, cut into 5cm lengths
450g fresh yellow noodles
 2 cups water
1 tbsp dark thick soy sauce
1/2 tsp msg (I didn't use.)
a few leaves lettuce, cut into strips (I didn't use.)

  1. Season prawns & cuttlefish with sesame oil, pepper & light soy sauce. Leave aside.
  2. Heat oil in a kuali & brown shallot. Remove & put aside. Reheat kuali & chicken fat. Fry until crisp. Remove fat crisps with a perforated ladle. Leave oil behind.
  3. When kauli is smoking hot, add minced garlic, seasoned prawns, cuttlefish & fish cake slices. Add mustard greens, stir-fry for a few seconds. Put in noodles & fry for 2 minutes.
  4. Add water, dark thick soy sauce & msg. Stir to combie sauce & cover kuali for 1 minute. Remove cover & add shallot crisps & fat crisps.
  5. Serve hot, sprinkled with lettuce strips & accompanied with a smal dish of Sambal Belacan.
Sambal Belacan:
(5 x 5 x 1/2) cm dried shrimp paste (belacan)
8 red chillies
3 small limes
  1. Roast dried shrimp paste in a clean pan over low heat till fragrant &, while hot, pound with red chillies until smooth. 
  2. Put into a small dish & squeeze in lime juice.

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Kuala Lumpur Selangor Month hosted by Shannon of Just As Delish.

I'm also linking this post to Cook-Your-Books #2 hosted by Joyce of  Kitchen Flavours.


  1. Assalam Faeez,
    wah samalah macam my family berbuka suka makan mee..nasi kena masak juga sebab my dad prefer nasi..dan sahur we HAVE to eat nasi sebab takut lutut longgar..hahaha..

    Hokkiean mee ni memang ada beberpa versi kan yang spore versi is pucat, yang penang versi is dark cos of kicap dia..yang kl punya macam yours lah ya..tapi apa2 jenis mee memang kita telan aje..hahaha

  2. Hi Faeez,
    Your plate of noodles looks very tempting! Hokkien Noodles are always a hit with the kids!
    Thank you for linking to CYB!
    And wish you a good Puasa Month!

  3. Ayu, dulu I pun gitu jugak.. kalau tak makan nasi masa sahur, takut aje tak tahan puasa. Tapi sejak dua menjak ni, masa sahur, makan roti & telur mata lembu aje, macam breakfast biasa... so far, ok...

  4. Joyce, Im sure many kids like it since it's not spicy.. Thks for your well wish. :)

